So, this post is not so much about twins - well, it is in my case - but it is certainly about siblings.
Yesterday my twins were at daycare, and throughout the day, Estella did two diarrheas.
I know, gross. TMI.
But, it's completely relevant to my story.
So, the daycare called me at 5pm and advised me she'd just done her second liquid poop [vom] and Estella would not be allowed to attend daycare the next day. Oh, and I still pay for her day's stay there.
Now, I have had an issue with this before. Up until recently I had no idea that a diarrhea, a vomit, or a fever one day meant that the child was banned from daycare the next day.
So, if you get a call from the daycare saying your child has a 38.2 fever today, you leave work, look after them (fair call), then if they get better that evening, you still need to quarantine them and take another day off work.
This does not sit right with me.
In my case, it means taking one twin to daycare as per usual and taking the other one home. And taking a day off work.
If you're a childcare worker please feel free to put me in my place.
I get the 'stop the spread of germs' things... but what if the child is no longer ill?
I was spewing - pardon jargon-esque pun - because today was 'bandanna day' at daycare and Estella has missed out. And there is nothing wrong with her. She hasn't done a soft poop since yesterday.
So, what's your take?
Is the childcare centre being too hardline in their approach? Should I just 'suck it up' and understand it all comes with the territory of being a parent?
Comment, share your own stories.
Have you been torn between twins/siblings on sick days?