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Showing posts with label Pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pregnancy. Show all posts

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sunrise host Monique Wright pregnant with third child

TV host - from 'The Daily Edition' and 'Sunrise' is - Monique Wright is pregnant with her third says this pregnancy was a surprise, in a report by Jonathan Moran in 'The Sunday Telegraph'.

In the report, Monique says her news should give hope to other women trying to conceive in their forties. “I do hope that this serves as a bit of hope that it can happen,” she said of the struggle many women face in falling pregnant later.
“It can happen by chance. It is not all doom and gloom. Even though, yes, we understand the statistics, they’re not everything. If anyone is trying, maybe they can take some hope from this.”
Read the rest of the article here.

Photo: 'The Sunday Telegraph'

Monday, April 13, 2015

Mum of 13 is pregnant with quads - at age 65: Annegret Raunigk

A 65 year old woman from Berlin, who already has 13 children, is pregnant again with quadruplets, Germany's RTL broadcaster reported on Sunday.

The woman's pregnancy - she is a Russian and English teacher - follows several attempts abroad at artificial insemination over the last year-and-a-half, according to the TV channel.
Annegret Raunigk decided to try to have another child because her youngest daughter, who is nine, wanted a little brother or sister, the channel said on its website.
RTL said it would broadcast an interview with the pregnant mother, who has seven grandchildren, to track her through the pregnancy and afterwards.
Raunigk will be the world's oldest mother of quadruplets.
Newspaper Bild am Sonntag reported the pregnancy, quoting the prospective mother-of-17, whose oldest daughter is reportedly 44, recalling the moment doctors broke the news.
"Certainly that was a shock for me. After the doctor discovered there were four, I had to give it some thought to begin with," Bild quoted her as saying, adding she had not considered it an option to reduce the number of embryos.
"On the scan it was just clear to see,." 
She added:
"I'm not actually afraid. I simply assume I'll remain healthy and fit. In matters of organisation I have enough experience, that's not new for me," she said.
Asked about any moral doubts, RTL quoted her as saying: "How does one have to be at 65? One must apparently always fit some cliches which I find rather tiring.
"I think, one must decide that for oneself."
Her gynaecologist, Kai Hertwig, was quoted on the RTL website as saying that quadruple pregnancies were always a strain but that everything was going well.
The biggest risk for the babies is being born prematurely and doctors are doing all they can to prevent that, the gynaecologist added.
Mrs Raunigk made headlines 10 years ago too, when she gave birth to her 13th child at the age of 55.
"At first, I only wanted one child," Bild quoted her as saying at the time. "Not all were planned, but then things happen. I'm not a planner, but rather spontaneous... and children keep me young."
What are you thoughts?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Pregnancy cravings: Bethenny, Ellen... and raging hormones

Bethenny Frankel appeared on 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show ' a few days ago and - in prep for her upcoming talk show produced by Ellen - she answered some audience questions from the roomful of pregnant women assembled during the Ellen's special Mother's Day show.

The first woman who asked a question talked about a well-known pregnancy 'payoff' - a heightened sex drive - and asks Bethenny what she thought about it, and if it's 'normal'. The woman also talks about the erotic dreams she's having. Bethenny comes up with a novel solution. Watch:

Is this something you can relate to? Are you pregnant now? Are you more 'in the mood'? Or less? And are you having x-rated dreams? Or, do you recall feeling this way when you were pregnant? Share!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Adele pregnant with first child. Did you ever put career on hold for a baby?

Hugely successful British singer Adele has just announced she is having her first baby.

The singer's representative confirmed that the 24 year old is expecting a child with boyfriend Simon Konecki. The message was posted on her official website:
"I'm delighted to announce that Simon and I are expecting our first child together. I wanted you to hear the news direct from me, obviously we're over the moon and very excited but please respect our privacy at this precious time," she said on the site.
So, looks like a new album is on the backburner then?
[Not that we have careers like Adele, but...] When have you put your careers plans on the backburner due to a pregnancy? Did you ever get back on track once your baby/babies was/were born? Share your story here...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Twins at 46 - "Having children at an older age is more rewarding and enjoyable"

At the age of 46, I had not only found love once more, but had also been blessed with twins.

The last time I was pregnant before the twins was in 1989 – when I was 28 years old. So it’s been a long time in between pregnancies.

I think being older and having had two other children kind of prepared me for having another child… but it had not prepared me for two of them!

It all seemed too easy when were in hospital when the nurses were around to help you, but nothing prepared me for what would happen at home. Feeding time was the most time consuming, but my biggest reward was the amazing bond I experienced this time around. It was something that I will cherish forever.

At the age of 23 or even 28 I don’t think I fully enjoyed the experience as much as I did with the twins. I think it was because I was much more relaxed and had the huge and never-ending support of my husband. I decided to breastfeed both girls at the same time as it was easier and hated that one of the twins had to wait until I finished feeding the other one.

I had a huge abundance of patience this time around and the whole day revolved around a strict routine, but every now and then when the routine was disrupted it sure created some chaos. Some days were spent in my dressing gown all day, doing nothing but tending to the girls; sleep was like a an old friend, missing in action.

Eventually the milk ran out and so the bottle feeding began, and lucky for me, the girls learned early to grab the bottle and feed themselves.

When they were babies my job was - most of the time - easy, but that wonderful virtue called ‘patience’ left me once the girls started talking.

The competitiveness from such an early age was overwhelming. They would - and still to this day do - fight over such things as who would get their hair brushed first, who would sit in the seat behind mummy or daddy in the car, who would get to ask a question first. The bickering is absolutely phenomenal, and there is no coming to an agreement with them because - at all costs - each one has to be first for everything.

I definitely have to stress that being older and having children at an older age - in my experience - has been more rewarding and enjoyable. So much so that today, at the age of 51 years young, if I could I would have another baby...

But, alas society definitely would not approve…

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Baby number three - yes or no?

This topic has been on my mind for several weeks, months even.

It's about having baby number three.

It's a funny conversation that usually goes something like this:

Me: "I think I am done. No, I know I am done. The husband is definitely done. But somehow... I don't know... there is a niggling feeling I may want another child. I may want to expand two to three."

Friend: "Really? Are you sure? Then do it! Yes, I know we are all turning 40, but women are having babies later anyway, so you know, you should definitely do it. On the other hand, you know... you have a boy and a girl, so you have the pigeon pair."

It's a strange convo, that plays out in different ways, but always starts and ends the same way. Uncertainty, then clarity.

That is: I am very clear I am done with adding to the family. Two was always the magic number for us. Two boys or two girls, or a boy and a girl. It was always two. But then: I was number three in my family.

And: I never expected to have two in one go, to have twins.

Which meant: one pregnancy, one delivery, one lot of breastfeeding (yep, sometimes at the same time), and one hellish lot (well, two - they'd wake at different times) of getting up in the middle of the night, for hungry babies.

Plus, now that I am experienced with the chaos of two, I want to know what's it's like to attend to one. Enjoy one. Be lost in the joy of caring for just one. [I am fully aware that this is possibly a rose-coloured glasses way of looking at the whooole process again; on the very rare occasion one of my twins wake up when I am about to go to bed exhausted, I remember: oh yes, I haaate my sleep being disturbed!].

I have long said, "One baby...? Pfft... I could do that with my eyes closed now!"

A friend, whose sister has had triplets, said this was probably common among women with multiples.

While we are genuinely, eternally grateful for being blessed with two (or more) in one go and 'getting it all out of the way', apparently many mums of multiples would like to experience what it's all like with a singleton bub.

A [male] friend of mine who is a dad of three recently told me: "EVERYTHING changes when you go from two to three. For us, it meant a bigger car, an extension to the house, more stress, more hard work, worrying about a new person all over again."

That comment alone convinced me [although I did casually add that we had a spare room, and a spare spot in our Kia Carnival] that we were done. Yep, yep... done. Yes, totally positive. [I think... no, I am sure. Sure.]

And so, last night I read with interest a story in this week's Grazia magazine [if you want a copy, be quick - it goes off sale by today's end].

The story, by Sonja Ebbels titled "The Third Parent Trap" not only talks about women wanting to expand their brood to a trio, it also talks about some examples she knows about women secretly falling pregnant to to do this, despite their partners' wishes that two suited them just fine.

"These weren't single women terrified their biological clocks were ticking, but desperate mothers who wanted one more child than their other half was willing to give," writes Sonja.

She adds this alarming statistic: "A UK survey revealed that about 42 percent of women would lie about using contraception in order t get pregnant, in spite of their partners' wishes.

"From the stories I heard, it seemed to come down to one question: what will kill your relationship faster? Living with a lie, and another child, or feeling forever unfulfilled because of your man's lack of compliance?"

It's an incredible take on the whole topic: deceiving your partner into having another baby. Lordy, I would never do that.

So, are you going contemplating having a third child right now? What are your experiences?

Feel free to comment (anon is okay) about your own experiences.

And for more on Grazia, go here:

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Jessica Simpson: pregnant and naked on Elle cover

Jessica Simpson has posed sans a stitch of clothing (but some pretty fabulous jewellery) on the cover of US Elle magazine's April issue.

She has followed in the footsteps of Demi Moore, Miranda Kerr, Cindy Crawford, and Britney Spears, who have all taken their kit off and posed the exact same way for magazine around the world.

The blonde bombshell - who seems to have been pregnant forever - she didn't reveal her due date in the magazine interview, though she did reveal the baby's gender. She's having a girl.

"I swear, I will croak if she asks me for a pair of Nikes instead of Christian Louboutins!” Simpson told Elle magazine. “Eric is so athletic. We’re gonna have this athletic girl and I won’t even be able to take her shopping, ‘cause all she’s gonna want is sports bras and Nikes!”

Baby names? Though she admits it’s a “non-traditional” choice, she says it’s nothing shocking and nothing you’ll have to add to the dictionary. When people hear it, they’ll know… why.”

There is also a second cover where she dons a red dress, showing off her lovely baby bump.

Which cover do you prefer?

(Photos: courtesy Elle magazine).