Friday, October 31, 2014

Dr Susan Cartwright, Colgate Scientific Affairs Manager and practising dentist: Q & A

Happy Halloween! Oh go on… join in, Australia!

At a time like Halloween when sugar consumption is at an all time highhhhh, and tooth decay and good oral health is perhaps even more important.

Fun stat: Aussie kids will consumer 22.3 million EXTRA sugary treats this Halloween (aaargh, that's a lotta sugar!), and it's sobering to add to this that tooth decay in children is five times more prevalent than asthma. It's also the most common chronic disease for children, with child oral health in Australia actually getting worse, according to the Australian Dental Association

The good news is that following a major breakthrough in dental technology, there is a new toothpaste that can reduce the early signs of tooth decay by half (after 6 months use) – the Colgate Maximum Cavity Protection plus Sugar Acid Neutraliser. It's the first and only family toothpaste globally with unique Sugar Acid Neutraliser technology that directly fights sugar acids in plaque, the number one cause of cavities.

Dr Susan Cartwright, Colgate Scientific Affairs Manager and practising dentist for over 25 years answers questions from TwinnieWorld on kiddie brushing, tooth decay or sugar.

1. At what age should kids first visit a dentist?

It's good practice to take your child to the dentist with you when the first teeth have erupted so that they can get used to the environment and you can receive advice about how to care for their teeth.

2. What are some oral and dental hygiene tips for kids?
·     Make brushing a game – sing along, tell a story
·     Make brushing a part of the bath routine
·     Set the example – show children how you brush your own teeth
·     Use age appropriate brushes and paste
·     Always brush after the last food/drink has been consumed and at one other time in the day
·     Always assist children under the age of 8 yrs
3. How would you explain tooth decay and its correlation with excess sugar consumption to kids in simple terms?

Sugar helps bad bugs grow. Bad bugs make acid that dissolves your teeth.

I like this explanation. Nice and simple.

Here are some top tips to help children brush from Dr Susan Cartwright:
  • Start early with babies - as soon as the first tooth erupts
  • Make brushing a game - sing along, tell a story
  • Make brushing a part of the bath routine
  • Set the example – show children how you brush your own teeth
  • Use age appropriate brushes and paste
  • Always brush after the last food/drink has been consumed and at one other time in the day
  • Always assist children under the age of 8 yrs
    Colgate is committed to developing new technologies to directly combat the effects of sugar intake on children’s teeth.

    The result is a breakthrough toothpaste that reduces early decay by half1 – Colgate® Maximum Cavity Protection plus Sugar Acid NeutraliserTM. This is the first and only family2 toothpaste globally with unique Sugar Acid NeutraliserTM technology that directly fights sugar acids in plaque, the number one cause of cavities.

    Colgate® Maximum Cavity Protection toothpaste plus Sugar Acid NeutraliserTM is available in all major supermarkets in two sizes and two variants from $3.49 RRP. 

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