Friday, May 30, 2014

'Freebirds': DVD giveaway

'Freebirds' - the fun flick featuring the zany voices of Owen Wilson, Woody Harrelson, and Amy Poehler - has now hit DVD!

And, you can win a copy for yourself… oh yes, and the kids.

Here is the trailer:

 'Like' the Josie's Juice Facebook page
- Share this link on your Facebook wall
- Follow me on Twitter and Instagram if you're on there
- Comment below on why you'd love to win this DVD - or email the answer to
- You MUST email me your name and address and the DVD comp you are entering so I can contact you if you are a winner

*Competition for Australian residents only. All steps above must be followed to be eligible.

Here is the DVD cover for the fun, new release.

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to win as I am beginning to plan for Xmas, and this year, funds are tight! I would put it away as a stocking filler for one of my three girls. They love animated movies and we haven't seen this yet.
