Friday, May 18, 2012

New mum Aishwarya Rai is 'too fat,' apparently

So, when you pop out a baby, ladies, and you're a model, you'd better get back into shape quick-smart.

Reports the site Jezebel:

"Heaven forbid a woman gestate a humanand not instantaneously return to super-svelte shape! The Indian media have proved themselves every bit as concerntrolly as their US counterparts after commentators went after Bollywood legend Aishwarya Rai — not only for selfishly getting pregnant, but also for having the nerve to not shed pounds immediately following the birth. (Her new baby is a mere six months old.) Causing outrage after getting snapped looking roughly 0.00067% less hot than normal on her way to a party for UN secretary general Ban Ki-Moon, Rai's been likened to an elephant on one website — complete with trumpeting sound effects — resulting in some impassioned commentary. "She is a Bollywood actress and it is her duty to look good and fit," typed one commenter, with another adding: "She needs to learn from people like Victoria Beckham who are back to size zero weeks after their delivery."
This came on the back of a report in SMH, which says:
"Aishwarya Rai is no stranger to Cannes.
The Bollywood actor and former Miss World has attended the film festival 10 times, but her appearance on the red carpet next week is set to be her most talked about.

The cause of a controversy raging in India lies not with her latest film - Rai is there to promote a cosmetic brand rather than a new movie - but instead, bewilderingly, with recent photographs which suggest that, six months after giving birth to a baby girl, Rai has yet to regain her pre-pregnancy figure."

You can read the report here:

It's all a bit nuts, yes?
What do you think?

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