Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Up All Night - a real look at motherhood and work. With added laughs.

One look at this trailer and I am SO sold.

Okay, so it's a comical TV show, but I love that it's a look at motherhood - especially when juggling work and a newborn - that's far more real than any Huggies advertisement.

The baby wipes scene, the "we are trying to help you", the severe sleep deprivation = getting completely narky at each other. Love.

Here is the trailer again with added commentary.

How funny is Maya Rudolph!

What are your thoughts? Accurate rep of mother-slash-work life?

Stay tuned for details on the Australian screen date.

UPDATED: Australian screen date is Monday July 23 on Channel 7, at 9.30pm, and every Monday at 9.30pm.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Karitane and Tresillian - Parental Presence... the 'new way' to settle a baby

Controlled crying? Parental presence? Co-sleeping?

Which way to go to settle a baby?

If you're already a mum, which way worked for you?

For my husband and I, it was mostly a bit of a blur settling our baby twins, but I do know that we held sacred one thing, and one thing only: routine. Oh, and teamwork. Okay, that's two.

Another thing is certain: newborns cry. And cry. And bawl. And scream. In a pitch you've never heard. And in a way that grates and distresses and upsets you like nothing you've ever experienced.

And sometimes, babies just can't indicate what is wrong with them despite what experts tell you, encouraging you to look out for the kind of cry they have, or a look on their face. In the midst of a monster bawl (yours and theirs), you are often too distressed to look for 'the signs.'

You may be well-prepped, fully read-up, and watched all the DVDs you can get your hands on, but sometimes... they just... Scream. LOUDLY. And no theory will work. And then... it passes.

The people you'd most likely turn to are your mum, sister, best mummy friend, early childhood nurse, books, DVDs, websites, and other real-time help from the sensational organisations Karitane and Tresillian.

According to a newspaper article, these two parent-support organisations have abandoned their stance of controlled crying to settle a baby, and instead have adopted a new view on how to settle a bub, called "parental presence" which involves setting up a bed in the baby's room, and making a gesture or coughing so they know you are there, and they go back to sleep.

You can read the article here:

For us, we had two bassinettes in our room until they were almost six months. They then moved to their cots in another room. I could not do controlled crying... it just did not appeal to me at all.

Whilst I did not leap up every time they cried, as I wanted them to try and learn how to self-soothe, I certainly could not leave them to be distressed for more than a few minutes.

What worked for you? Or, if you are pregnant, what will you do?

Feel free to comment.

Women CEOs need nannies and housekeepers, says Ita Buttrose

According to publishing maven Ita Buttrose women should demand nannies and housekeepers as part of their salary package to keep their careers on track.

In an article for She believes that if Australia adopted more of a nanny culture it would help women remain in work, further climb up that corporate ladder and score that chief exec role.

You can read the rest here:

What do you think?

We are talking high-level CEOs here: should they not be thwarted in their attempt to continue their careers, instead encouraged and assisted with packages that include hired help? Or should they abandon all ambitions and embrace motherhood wholeheartedly?

Feel free to comment.

Friday, December 2, 2011

How soon to go back to work post-baby? Roxy Jacenko weighs in.

How soon did you go back to work after having a baby?

Six months? One year? Three weeks? Haven't gone back?

How about three hours?

That's how soon Sydney publicist Roxy Jacenko went back to work after having a baby.

No, she didn't escape from the hospital, making a run for it in the middle of the night from the maternity ward, but she did switch on her BlackBerry just three hours after the birth of her first child, daughter Pixie-Rose.

She told her story to Grazia magazine.

In the article, she says she knows some people will judge her for taking micro-maternity leave, but she doesn't feel guilty in the slightest. Nor will she apologise.

Read it here:

What did you think?

Can you relate?

Or is your experience entirely different? Feel free to comment (I know we mums get very passionate, so no personal attacks, please).

Me? Well, I underestimated just how soon I wanted to engage in work again.

After giving birth to twins almost four years ago, I did some work from home - when my babies were just three weeks old.

Looking back now, sure... it was probably a little mad.

It wasn't a huge job - some subbing work, which I always really enjoy - but I was so severely sleep-deprived you'd think all I was interested in was catching some zzz's.

Nope. And it wasn't about the money, either.

It was about retaining some of my old life. A life I'd worked so hard for. Went to uni for, toiled my way up that corporate ladder. I just knew that if I didn't keep working in some capacity, I would not only lose my groove, I'd lose touch with my industry, and most of all, lose confidence in myself and my abilities.

I was - and am - fortunate enough to be able to work from home and that is wonderful for myriad reasons.

Not battling traffic, no need to coordinate an outfit, no need to wash my hair, even. I dare say I am also more productive (no water cooler conversations, no long lunches).

The downside? Working all hours. Juggling an email with a dirty nappy, or a roast I need to turn. Missing out on the co-worker camaraderie. Never switching off.

And while I did say it wasn't about the money (I didn't want to earn bucket-loads of cash so I could surround myself with material things I didn't actually need) it was more about the freedom that the money represented.

As a non-earner for a mere few weeks I felt a slight 'power shift' in the home... and I really didn't like it.

Before even meeting my husband, I was a woman who looked after myself financially, big-time. I paid all my uni fees upfront with my part-time job, bought my cars, set myself up financially, always thought about my financial future.

While I have never gone back to structured full-time work, trust me when I say I work full-time. It never stops. My workload never. Ever. Ends.

What has been your experience of going back to work?

Did you resent going back so soon because, financially, you had to?

Or are you in the midst of prepping to go back shortly?

And how soon is too soon?

Share your experience here!

(Photo of Roxy Jacenko by Andy Baker).

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What's your magic 'baby number' - the Duggars? Twenty.

So, you've likely heard that American family the Duggars are expecting baby number 20.

Oh, yes: 2-0!

Many will be aghast, appalled, and mouth agape.

Me? I say they can do what they like. Have you seen how happy they each time they announce a pregnancy? These people are overjoyed.

See their announcement on US TV a few days ago:

They are already grandparents, and still they yearn for more babies. Instead of seeing a new baby as yet another mouth to feed (and bum to wipe and bod to settle to sleep) and viewing them as a burden, they see each new child as a blessing (which of course, they are).

Not surprisingly, their announcement has been met with much judgement, with many pointing to the fact that 45 year old Michelle gave birth to baby number 19 Josie prematurely due to preeclampsia (she was just 25 weeks along and weighed 1.5 pounds, or 0.680kg). Michelle also suffered a perforated bowel during her last pregnancy.

Around here... well, I am exhausted just with the twins. And that's our magic number, two.

Unless, you know, a lovely surprise comes our way...

The Duggars - headed up by mum Michelle and dad Jim Bob - already have nine girls and ten boys, who all have names beginning with the letter 'J'.

They first started their foray into television with 'The Duggars: Raising 16 Children' (on today on Foxtel at 2.30pm), which was then named '17 Kids and Counting', then renamed '18 Kids and Counting', then, you guessed it, '19 Kids and Counting'... soon to be... yep, 20.

Jim Bob is 46 and Michelle is 45, and their kids' ages range from 23 years to 23 months, with their 20th child due in April 2012.

Did you do the maths? Yep, pregnant every year, with an overlap in some years. Exhausted even thinking about it.

The big question - how do they even afford another baby? Answer: they live debt-free. Wow. (See them explain how in the clip above).

What do you think? It's their choice of course, but do you think it's a little OTT?

What's your magic number?

Friday, October 28, 2011

Diarrhea = daycare day off?

So, this post is not so much about twins - well, it is in my case - but it is certainly about siblings.

Yesterday my twins were at daycare, and throughout the day, Estella did two diarrheas.

I know, gross. TMI.

But, it's completely relevant to my story.

So, the daycare called me at 5pm and advised me she'd just done her second liquid poop [vom] and Estella would not be allowed to attend daycare the next day. Oh, and I still pay for her day's stay there.

Now, I have had an issue with this before. Up until recently I had no idea that a diarrhea, a vomit, or a fever one day meant that the child was banned from daycare the next day.

So, if you get a call from the daycare saying your child has a 38.2 fever today, you leave work, look after them (fair call), then if they get better that evening, you still need to quarantine them and take another day off work.

This does not sit right with me.

In my case, it means taking one twin to daycare as per usual and taking the other one home. And taking a day off work.

If you're a childcare worker please feel free to put me in my place.

I get the 'stop the spread of germs' things... but what if the child is no longer ill?

I was spewing - pardon jargon-esque pun - because today was 'bandanna day' at daycare and Estella has missed out. And there is nothing wrong with her. She hasn't done a soft poop since yesterday.

So, what's your take?

Is the childcare centre being too hardline in their approach? Should I just 'suck it up' and understand it all comes with the territory of being a parent?

Comment, share your own stories.

Have you been torn between twins/siblings on sick days?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Twins - and why I started this blog

Oh, hi!

Hey, how are you?

If you're reading this it means you have twins.

Or, you're my friend and you know I have twins, and are curious to read about my misadventures (and have a sneaky giggle while muttering, "Phew, glad that's not me!").

Or, you've stumbled across me on Google and are wondering: "Well, what made you the authority on twins?"


I have 'em.

As [what the husb and I like to refer to as] "our first two and last two children" it has been quite the ride over the past three - almost four years.

Well, four years plus, really - because the fun starts as soon as you know you've got not one but two human beings cooking away in that [you-wait-and-see-how-big-you-get] belly.

This blog is for ALL of you.

Contribute, laugh at my expense, share your stories.

Most of all, remember. It's the twinnies' world. We just live in it. You will see.